How To Log Transform Data In Spss
Koleksi admin mengenai How To Log Transform Data In Spss.
Go to the compute variable window again by selecting transform compute variable. To do this click.
Click the data variable in the left hand box and then click the button.

How to log transform data in spss. Because some of my data is not normal distributed i would like to log transform the data to see if this changes the distribution. How to log transform data with a different base in spss. Or if there are 0s in x.
Unfortunately there isnt a direct function to log transform data with a base other than 10 in spss. Compute xlog10 lg10x. If you prefer to run the transformation as a syntax command the form would be as follows.
I work on my thesis and use spss to analyze the data. Compute xln lnx. Compute sln lnx1.
I will now show you how to do this. Box by pressing the button. Box and click lg10 to select it.
Transfer the lg10 function into the numeric e xpression. Box then scroll down in the f unctions and special variables. Procedure in spss statistics.
All in the function g roup. If you wish to compute the base 10 log of x then you can use the lg10x function in a similar manner. However there is a way to do this by creating a formula.
I differ between two groups and in one group there is a normal distribution but in the other one there is not.
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