What Is Primary And Secondary Data In Research Methodology
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The term primary data refers to the data originated by the researcher for the first time. Primary research is based on raw data whereas secondary research is based on analysed and interpreted information.
Primary data examples in depth interviews present the opportunity to gather detailed insights from leading industry participants about their business competitors and the greater industry.

What is primary and secondary data in research methodology. Primary data is a real time data whereas secondary data is one which relates to the past. Several methods for collecting primary data are given below 1observation method. Primary research is designed to meet your unique and specific needs.
The research can include focus groups surveys interviews and observations. Primary data is collected in the course of doing experimental or descriptive research by doing experiments performing surveys or by observation or direct communication with respondents. As against this the secondary research the data collection is performed by someone else.
Secondary data is the already existing data collected by the investigator agencies and organisations earlier. This fundamental research is conducted by you if youre on a tight budget or by a research firm that you hire for the projectusually a firm that comes recommended by a colleague. There are two major approaches to gathering information about a situation person problem or phenomenon.
It is commonly used in studies relating to behavioural science. When you undertake a research study in most situations you need to collect the required information. However sometimes the information required is already available and need only be extracted.
The primary research the data is collected by the researcher himself or by the person hired by him. Primary data and secondary data. Methods of primary data collection vary based upon the goals of the research as well as the type and depth of information being sought.
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